About me

This blog is created by a Buddhist living in Singapore. He embraces the Mahayana spirit of Bodhicitta, deeply respecting all Buddhist Traditions as expressions of Kindness guiding us on the path towards human perfection ~ Buddhahood.

He likes to post stuff that he had read or think is good to share here, sometimes he adds a little comments here and there... just sometimes..

ひらめき電球 Contact Me


“Sariputra, if there are people who have already made the vow, who now make the vow, or who are about to make the vow, ‘I desire to be born in Amitabha’s country,’ these people, whether born in the past, now being born, or to be born in the future, all will irreversibly attain to anuttarasamyaksambodhi. Therefore, Sariputra, all good men and good women, if they are among those who have faith, should make the vow, ‘I will be born in that country.’”

~ Amitabha Sutra

When I obtain the Buddhahood, any being of the boundless and inconceivable Buddha-worlds of the ten quarters whose body if be touched by the rays of my splendour should not make his body and mind gentle and peaceful, in such a state that he is far more sublime than the gods and men, then may I not attain the enlightenment.

~ Amitabha Buddha's Thirty-Third Vow

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

This documentary is shown in a 5-part playlist.

~End of Post~


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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

How Do You Feel?

Dzogchen Rinpoche suggests that perhaps it doesn’t matter that much


In the West we are often told that the key to our well-being is to understand our emotions, that inner balance can be realized through
being constantly “in touch” with our feelings. But His Eminence
the 7th Dzogchen Rinpoche, holder of the ancient Dzogchen lineage,
disagrees. He teaches that this approach could actually be doing us more harm than good.

Dzogchen Rinpoche explains that it can be dangerous to overindulge
in emotional analysis. “We are encouraged in the West to continually assess our emotions. In conversation we frequently ask and are asked, ‘How are you?’, ‘How are you feeling?’ “In Asian culture, especially Tibetan culture, ‘How are you feeling?’ is not something that is generally asked because of the understanding that emotions are fi ckle and ever changing. Hence importance is not placed on them; instead it is placed on accumulation of wisdom.

“In Tibetan Buddhism particularly in the Dzogchen tradition, we say emotions have no inherent existence as we cannot pinpoint where they come from, where they reside/stay or where they go.

“However the experience we have of our emotions is often so intense that we believe in their reality. This is just a trick of the mind but we can unwittingly get drawn in and, like moths attracted to the light of a fatal flame, we suffer.

“When we have not recognised the empty nature of our emotions we can become caught up in their complicated details and create more suffering for ourselves and others. The answers that we constantly
search for do not lie within our emotions.

“Instead when we rest our mind, we can recognise our emotions for what they really are and experience wisdom that lies beyond them.”

This approach is at odds with popular Western psychology which suggests that we repeatedly examine our thoughts and feelings in search of the missing clue in the mystery of wellbeing. But as Dzogchen Rinpoche explains, emotions are the culprits of our dissatisfaction, the thieves that in fact deceive us and rob us of our inner-peace.

So how can we recognize and transform the suffering that our emotions create? Dzogchen Rinpoche offers a very simple but profound solution based in the ancient meditation tradition of Dzogchen.

“When we turn our minds inwards and rest, we can experience a stability that is beyond the highs and lows of our emotions —spontaneous peace that is beyond the mind.

“When we make resting the mind our habit, we will no longer be fooled by our emotions and we can experience genuine wellbeing.”


~End of Post~


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Monday, March 01, 2010


宗薩欽哲仁波切 口述

陳念萱 翻譯





  於是,展開了第一站的北藏拉薩之旅,一路蜷縮在卡車的後車廂,行走了許多天。在此,堪布貢噶旺秋片段地拼湊他旅程的詳細位置,為避開中共的監視,他捨棄方便常用的路徑,而選擇了長途跋涉,經凱拉克山(Mount Kialach)步行到印度。這是一段非常艱辛的長程旅行,若非同行藏胞的慷慨與仁慈,堪布恐怕無法活著走完這段旅程。





~End of Post~


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